A Journeyman

The term Hero’s Journey was first brought to us by the anthropologist Joseph Campbell on this book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” which describes the fundamental narrative of the mono-myth that bases the histories of many historical myths, such as Buddha, Christ, Moses, etc.

Today it is also used to build modern narratives, with Luke Skywalker, William Wallace, Frodo Baggins and almost any hero you can think of. Although strongly debated within Psychological Schools, the concept is still very present and influential on our society, so much so that we can feel them deeply embedded into us. Have you ever wandered, or looked over, your own life as an Hero’s Journey? I did, and it is liberating.

Photo by Andrew DesLauriers on Unsplash

The Common World

This is very difficult to understand and separate when you try to look at your past following certain contexts. But I encourage you to try, from an holistc point of view or your recent past: on which episode were you surrounded by mundane decisions and a rhythmic routine? For me, not long ago, I saw myself doing less of what I am capable of, in a lousy job I was employed. Days came and went, events, emails, paperwork, messages and phone calls with suppliers. Routine you might conclude? Yes.

During my engineering school and masters I’ve been always striving to learn more, beyond what the sole mechanical engineering could teach. I’ve pursued entrepreneurial skills, read and practiced economics engineering, business modelling, customer development, basic marketing and sales. I’ve also loved to learn about Technology Roadmapping and Product Development, I’ve even have a master thesis published on that subject. {{ highlight }}But I felt misplaced, wherever I went, always felt unease.{{ end }} Maybe because I ran from this tingling sensation the unknown have on us.

The Adventure Call and Refusing It

However, when I was at this operations job, something made sense. The company needed a best logical way to track assets on ground and I, as an engineer, proposed to solve this issue through a mobile application: home brewing it due to lack of budget. As I struggle to learn development languages this demanded I remembered how many times I denied really learning C/C++ and Java during college.

Finding your Mentor and the First Crossing

Have you ever believed so much in something? It’s at this moment you rejoice yourself that you are alive to think of that. You got to look at it with maturity, Amyr Klynk would say:

“First I look at this idea very passionately, but after some time, very coldly” when he developed his plans to cross the Atlantic rowing a small boat. So, the crossing is first acceptance, you accept the challenge and let yourself feel the obligation you’ve made with yourself. Sometimes you’ll have a mentor to help you with that challange - more or less the same way Gandalf, The Grey is to Frodo. But sometimes, not. My first mentor was a collection of YouTube videos, somewhat disconnected among themselves, barely scratching what I needed to know back then.

Unfortunately my desk job was no longer satisfying myself and the company had no available positions to keep someone in that mobile project as a learning developer. Announced tragedy, but yet a blow. I had some savings to endure a couple of months of unemployment, but I was sure, definetely sure, this could not be like that. The time I had I filled with study, deep study, on programming. Started with Javascript and moved myself along the lines of web development with HTML, CSS, SASS, NodeJS and React. Those YouTube videos took shape into very famous online tutors: Colt Steele, Max Schwarzmüller, Jonas Schmedtmann and Dan Shiffman - Mr. Dan Shiffman, I would love to meet you in person! If he reads this one day.

The next step: formalize the skill set I was brewing. The reserves I had were enough, so I though of a Bootcamp abroad, but I couldn’t leave wife and dog here unsupported. However I got the chance of studying with the first cohort of a newcoming bootcamp to Brazil, and for that I am lucky - I had several mentors there.

Provings, Allies and Enemies

I know that you are well aware of how challenging decisions that lead you into your own dungeons are. You must face fears you thought were very well tamed growing up, only to know they were unleashed but dormant: you don’t dominate the topic, you are old and not fully established.


Als auf deutsch Traum - Max Von Sydow, Scorcese's Shutter Island

This quest is yet to resolve and no one is naive enough not to see the deep abyss comming. The revelation time. But, as any challenge, it can be surpassed, taking action to build up muscle for this task in a day by day struggle. Maybe you will remember and relate to the ending of your college or graduation, a time which is common to feel groundless. For me it came after I has my master’s degree and saw myself in a tourbillon of events that led Brazilian economy to disaster. Being an freshman entrepreneur in the leisure boating market at that time was harsh and costed me a lot: money and health, mind and body.

Most certainly this abyss will reveal itself, the beast living in it will take what is his. And we will not be taken by surprise as when we were younglings tasting life for the first time, yet it will be bitter, however traumatic we may rise victorious only to live another pathway.

Ressurection and Regression

Maybe it will take something of value, but not all. As I am typing this loose words, memories of hard times are coming to mind, as humbling as it can be. These are the moments we must value friends the most, those who hear us, bless our spirits. Be reborn, like a dream, and remember Gandalf:

“End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. […]

What lies ahead for you? Can you ever wonder how shinning will be the feeling of peaceful admiration, despite of the day it arises? Can you imagine what you will bring to surface, the stories, the things you wished to build taking form and growing along with you, shaped by your events and the hands that found you along the journey? Will you look grateful to those that saw on you themselves many ages ago, today torn and made by their own adventures? Will you admire the same leaders, or are they, today, your peers?
